Ears Perked.

Bonjour Sizzlahhhs. I'm enjoying my time here in Hawaii, so much so that I'm absolutely dreaddding coming home. I can't wait to share all my island adventures with you! I've been busy in the kitchen too, so plenty of recipes comin' atcha too!

For now, I want to give you a Monday night ear snack. There are some things I think you need to be listening to. I have embedded some videos for you for songs that are live recordings and won't be available on Spotify/iTunes/etc. Then I'll include a link to the playlist I've been spinning the most these days. 

1.) If you know me, you know I'm a FAN of Jack White. I find him terrifyingly talented. By terrifyingly, I mean that I think I would actually be terrified to meet him in person. I'd melt into a puddle of jelly and lose my ability to speak. I'm also fairly certain he is not totally a human. The video below is of a performance in a French Chateau. Does it get any better? As a self-proclaimed francophile, the answer is a resounding 'non'. You can definitely hear the Nashville creeping into his new album Lazaretto, and Mama likey. Enjoy. 

2.) If you still know me, you also know that it doesn't get much better than Iron & Wine. I was lucky enough to see them at Fitzgerald's a few years back and it was just unreal. I also find him wildy talented and will make my children listen to him. Here's a real treat of him singing in Gruene Hall. I love it. You should too. 

And now for TheSizzles September Sizzle playlist.  CLICK HERE and follow it so you can check out what I add in the coming weeks. September is also my birthday month, so it's just special in general, because DUH. 

So there you have it. A #musicalmonday for you folks. I hope you enjoy and I'll be back this week with a recipe and an adventure! 


A Belated Weekend Rundown

Amigos, my apologies for being so quiet! We've been suffering from a bout of insomnia and literally are walking zombies at this point. If this post goes off the deep end, you'll know why!

So this past weekend I went to Galveston to visit a dear friend of mine. We nommed, we danced, we girl-talked, and sat in the sun and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was glorious.

Crab tower at Olympia Grill. 

Crab tower at Olympia Grill. 

Saturday consisted of driving back into town and eating Vietnamese crawfish and shrimp with my Mama for a pre-Mother's Day celebration. We tried 88 Boiling Crawfish. It's way out West, and we ordered to go. I highly recommend. 



Sunday morning I snuggled up with my sweet sweet puppy and Mama and I had Mother's Day Brunch. We picked up authentic deliiiiiicious Mexican Carnitas and I surprised Mama with one of our favorite desserts. The fruit tart from Central Market. It's super fresh, and the crust is almondy, and if you don't know how much I love anything almondy, then you don't know me well enough. 

Central Market Fruit Tart

Central Market Fruit Tart

Sunday afternoon was lazy and perfect, it included Pondicheri, pool time and catching up on cleaning and organizing (one of my favorite things). 

Iced latte and a delightful confection with blackberries, orange and quinoa. 

Iced latte and a delightful confection with blackberries, orange and quinoa. 

Anywho, this week has been an insomniac whirlwind as I start revving up for my big trip! I'll keep it a secret till it's time...Gotta keep y'all interested, right? 

In the meantime, I'll leave you with a wine recommendation and a playlist that'll keep you light on your toes. Click here for the list! 

franc wine

Stay awake Sizzlers, I'll be back tomorrow with the most delicious dinner spread you've seen in a while. Send me sleep vibes!

Friday Essentials

Hola Sizzlers! I hope yesterday's post didn't leave a bad taste in your mouth, but I couldn't not tell you about it. I do have some exciting things up my sleeve for today and the weekend though, so perk up!

Last night me and some amigas headed to Uchi for HH. I wanted to enjoy the HH and decided to stow my phone away and refrain from pics. BUT I did snap a photo of my beer. If you read my previous beer/wine post, you'll remember the Kitachino Nest Beer I am obsessed with. Well, last night I tried a new one and it was bombtastic. 

sheer delight.

sheer delight.

We tried everything on the HH menu, and everything was fantastic. My stand-outs were the Uchiviche, the Wallu Wallu, and the Machi Cure. #Nomcity. 

Now for weekend plans: 




Click here for my favorite sunshine/pool/happy day playlist. 

If you're in doubt this weekend and need some suggestions,I give you this:

-Go walk around the Menil Collection, then drive/ride down the road and have a cocktail at LowBrow

-Take your dog out for a walk and head to West Alabama Ice house for a cold one. 

-Hit some balls over at Memorial Park Driving Range or meander to the sand volleyball courts and see if you can catch some court time.

This weekend in Spring, TX, the Texas Crawfish Festival is going on and there are some great bands playing. So if you catch a wild hair head on out!

Have fun, be safe, use your SPF, call a cab, eat like a king and be happy. The end. Happy Weekend Sizzlers!