May the Pax Be With You. Seriously.

Greetings Sizzlings! Happy Monday... I know right? Those 2 words just don't mesh. 

I spent a lovely weekend in the country with MainSqueeze and ate some delightful treats. 

Speaking of delightful treats, you need to know about a new treat in Houston. Pax Americana

We had a reservation for Thursday night, and my entire week was spent in anticipation. We were a party of 7, so they offered to serve us family style; which is one of my favorite ways to eat. 

Here's the rundown of the #nomz. Photos will be below as well. Highly recommend, the staff was super knowledgeable and accommodating, and I love the general vibe of the place. I'll definitely be back. 

(Dishes in BOLD are TheSizzles faves from the meal): 

Beverage of choice: Evening Land Blue Label Pinot Noir by the glass and the Smoked Old Fashioned. REALLY tasty cocktail with a delightful drunken cherry as a garnish. 


Farm Fresh Eggs, scallion kimchi aioli, chilies, herb salad, purple barley

Grilled Honeydew Melon, hazelnut vinaigrette, thyme honey, feta

(not featured on the online menu) Baby carrots cooked in general amazing fashion with some hints of curry and candied nuts. PHENOMENAL. I could eat these with every meal. Call me Bugs Bunny. 

(Also not on the online menu) Pan seared tile fish with a magical beurre blanc sauce and root veggies. Honestly, some of the best fish I've had in Houston to date. 

(not online either) Enormously humongous ribeye, cooked medium rare. I love steak, and I love slicing my steak instead of hacking into it like a rabid wolf. The spices on the steak were on point, but I think it could use a little work on the sear. STILL  a great cut of meat. 

Brisket, nine spice, potatoes, soured cream, black garlic, sweet onions

Sanguinaccio Fritters, horchata ice cream, lemon curd, candied pecans

Chocolate Custard, bittersweet chocolate hazelnut cookie, lemon mint sherbert

***Please excuse the quality of the photos, it was super dark and I was too hungry to get technical!***

carrots. dreamy dreamy carrots.

carrots. dreamy dreamy carrots.

grilled honeydew

grilled honeydew

amazing amazing tile fish

amazing amazing tile fish

Please excuse our friend "guau's" obscene hand gesture photo bomb,...

Please excuse our friend "guau's" obscene hand gesture photo bomb,...

chocolate filled thangs

chocolate filled thangs

And there you have it, a new "must go" in Houston. We're so lucky to have this burgeoning food scene, And now I'll be getting back to the treadmill...

NEXT UP: music, recipes, recommendations and more! 

Sizzle Manifesto: Installation #1

As many of you know, I can talk the hind legs off a donkey. You might also know that I’m a huuuge fan of quirky sayings.

Personal favorite: I’m about as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Look me in the face and tell me you don’t think that’s just stellar. So much better than “OMG I’m like totally nervous.”

I decided to write some Simple Sizzle for y’all. You don’t have to take my advice, you might hate it, love it, not get it at all, but it’s my simple philosophy on life. Take it with a grain of salt, call me crazy as a loon; it’s just who I am and what I think.

simple sizzle

Simple Sizzle on Diets & Not eating things you probably really want to eat:

Fact: My mom dabbled in modeling when she was younger and weighed less than 90 pounds on her wedding day. Her derrière was featured on billboards for Jordache jeans and she was a Hawaiian dancer. Soooo that was fun to know growing up when I sprouted 3 inches taller than she was by the time I was in the 3rd grade and realized sub 90 pounds just...wasn't even. 

me and my cupcakes

While I’ve never struggled too much with weight, I’ve certainly had some porky moments. When you’re 5’4, five pounds can look like you’re smuggling a litter of kittens in your jeans. I’ve had winters where leggings were all I wore…not because they were en vogue but because they were all that fit the seventeen kittens I was harboring. Even the neighborhood squirrels gave me the side-eye wondering if all their acorns were hidden in my expanding leggings. We’ve all been there. And that’s totally ok.

What I’ve learned about dieting is that you really just need to find out what works best for you; it’s like fashion and knowing how “green is just NOT in my color wheel.”

I’m a bona fide, card-carrying, full-blown foodie. But you know what? It’s actually good for my waistline. I’ve gotten so hifalutin’ about my nomz that it’s so much easier for me to say no to the “sub-par” items I might see on the menu. Walking through a food court makes me cry a little on the inside, and I’ll starve before I eat something I think is not to my liking. I’ll eat rabbit food all week if I know I’m having a blow out dinner later in the week, and I also sometimes have accidents and wake up in the Whataburger drive-thru with a bag that smells like heaven and a Whataburger Jr. with ketchup, cheese and pickles only. I don’t even know how it happens, it just does. (Sometimes this also happens with Cheez Its, but who's keeping tabs?) But you obviously know that Whataburger is the only, ONLY fast food worth developing gallstones for.

What didn’t work for Mads*:

Being Vegan:

A couple years ago when I was in grad-school I decided to go vegan one summer. Like….full on vegan. No animal products AT ALL. No honey, eggs, NY Strip steaks, juicy lamb chops and the list goes ON. I felt fine, but damn near committed triple homicide to get my hands on just a tiny sliver of Brie, a luscious cut of Gouda, a nibble of goat chevre. Somewhere in my DNA there is a chromosome belonging to a mouse because I am a cheese RAT. Veganism and the lack of cheese just weren’t working for me. So I quit.  And don’t even get me started about the time I posted a vegan sandwich to social media in order to convince myself how amazing it looked. #pathetic #fakemeat #cardboardbread

Not Eating/Eating like a bird:

When my family comes in town to visit (visit=pillage the Houston Galleria and deplete their stock of literally everything) they always ask me if I have packed a snack. You see, my friends, I suffer from a serious medical condition called “being hangry.” When I’m famished and food is not on the horizon, I get snippy, fussy and dare I venture to say….betchy. At least I’m honest, right? So clearly the few times I thought starvation was going to get me where I needed to be, my hanger took over.


I love sushi, but I also love NY Strip steak. Enough said.


I think Paleo is the new Adkins or South Beach. Everyone's all excited and then 6 months later you catch them alone in the corner at Dunkin' Donuts bordering on diabeetus. (I KNOW it's diabetes, but the other one is more fun.)

“Omg that is for sure Paleo!”

“OMG yassss, it totally is; let me eat 25 sweet potatoes because that’s totally paleo.”

Know what I have to say to that? Bye Felicia.

Gluten Free: 

I can't even. You might, but I can't. I love bread, I love pasta, I love muffins and I am totally and completely obsessed with Seeduction Bread from Whole Foods. May God bless the person who came up with that crack magic. I understand some people are allergic, and I'm so sorry. I just can't. 

What does work for Mads:

I eat a little bit of everything. I grew up in a home where bringing home a loaf of white bread was on the same level as me bringing home some fresh cooked meth. Peanut butter was the kind that was ground up in front of your very eyes at Whole Foods, and it was used on like your 100th Birthday (basically never.) My parents grew their own wheat grass and I was taking shots of it daily it before kindergarten. I’m dead serious; I couldn’t make this up if I tried. When my allergies got bad, my parents made me chase my tablespoon full of cod liver’s oil with a heaping glob of fresh horseradish. Holy sinus burn. But guess what? I grew up with the immune system of a superhuman and aside from swimmer’s ear every summer and a rogue case of Hay Fever too strong for the horseradish, I was good to go. So I’m totally one of those people who believes that food is medicine and can heal your body.

Do I eat MSG and GMO food? Most def. We live in America. It’s going to happen. The very air we breathe is polluted, so you think that 4 dollar Honeycrisp apple isn’t going to have some pollutants? It’s a damn designer apple, I guarantee you it wasn’t one of the first fruits in the Garden of Eden. 

The point is, don’t turn up a can of Cheez Wiz every morning. Turn down for what, you say? Start with baby steps. Sometimes I KNOW that my body needs the Whataburger Jr. Also, sometimes I go a whole week only eating homemade vegetable soup and fresh fruit. Once you get on a plan where you really learn about your body and the food you put into it, it kind of becomes second nature. I believe in a variety of eating habits personalized to your own body. So go out there and get to know what works for you; I promise it can’t hurt. Become a student of nomz. It’s definitely Sizzle Approved.

*Disclaimer: In no way are my comments here supposed to be nutritional guidelines or finalizing judgments on people’s character, genetic disposition and/or choices. These are simply my own experiences and opinions in regard to what works for ME, not you. So if you’re up in arms about me thinking you’re dumb because you’re on Paleo, you’re not dumb. You have a lot of willpower and I have mad respect. Ok? (Just puh-lease don't prove me right and let me catch you at Dunkin' Donuts with an insulin needle hanging from your arm.) Let’s all hold hands now. I love you all, even if you don’t enjoy the same nomz that I do. 

Liberty Kitchen & Oysterette

Bonjour Sizzlers; it's finally Thursday. I am so so ready for some sunshine, cold bevs and shorts. 

Yesterday afternoon, after I almost fainted in the streets of Houston while attempting my first hot weather run; me and Foodie Photo Blog decided to treat ourselves to mani/pedis and an early dinner before our weekly sorority meeting. (Just kidding we don't go to sorority meetings we go to Bible Study on Wednesdays). 

Sidenote: It was so hot outside and I was so dehydrated I was actually planning in my head what I would do if I needed to pass out or frantically beg for water. I was scanning for garden hoses in the neighborhood and was THISCLOSE to running into someone's front yard and turning on the hose. 

Moving on....

The nail salon is next to Liberty Kitchen & Oysterette, and I've been jonesing to go. I browsed the menu on my iPhone and was STOKED. We snagged an outdoor patio table (mostly because I was still in workout clothes and was embarrassed to be in public looking like a sweat monster). And ordered cocktails. 

Kelsey ordered "The Neoclassical" and I opted for a glass of Montepulciano. So far so good. Until her drink came. It tasted like water. She sent it back and got a glass of what I was having. 

We decided to split the deviled eggs topped with fried oysters, and then contemplated entrees. I asked the waitress how the tuna salad sandwich was because I was in a sandwich mood, and she said "well I hate everything that has mayo in it so I definitely wouldn't order it." Well... I hate it when people tell me their own opinion about food assuming I'm going to hate it too. So as an act of defiance, I ordered the tuna salad sandwich. Because I'm not afraid of mayo, and I'm not afraid to do what I want. Kelsey went for the tuna tartare and a side of brussel sprouts. This was only after she asked the waitress which tuna tartare dish she preferred and she said "the other one" and Kelsey asked "why?" and she said "because of avocado"....errrrr. ok? So Kelsey also defiantly ordered her original dish. We do what we want up in here. 

deviled eggs & fried oyster

deviled eggs & fried oyster

So the eggs were delightful. Would totally order again. And then my sad excuse for a tuna salad sammie came out. 

1.) IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EAT. Why? Because they put 12 lbs. of lettuce, bacon (which I WILL say was delicious) and tomato and tuna on AN ENGLISH MUFFIN. English muffins are BARELY big enough to support an egg for an egg benedict. So that's the first big problem I have. 

2.) If you have a mayonnaise fetish, this is for you. Otherwise, GROSS. I mean, I will eat mayo when it's needed, but this was like runny mayo soup on lettuce with tiny tiny pieces of tuna. I basically ordered a jar of mayo with 1/4 can of tuna. The tuna was barely noticeable. Tuna salad is supposed to not be swimming in mayo. And then on top of that, they smothered one side of the tiny English muffin with another type of aioli mayo. 

I will admit I felt a bit sheepish since the waitress warned me, but under NO circumstance is this acceptable. There was literally no way you could eat this thing except to take it all apart, spoon the mayo soup in your mouth, eat the muffin, and then eat the bacon. I ate the bacon and left everything else. 

Drippy tuna salad and half a head of lettuce make NOT a tuna salad sammie. 

Drippy tuna salad and half a head of lettuce make NOT a tuna salad sammie. 

I am not a whiner. But this was just not ok. When the waitress asked how everything was, I said "errrrr I mean I'm not going to eat this anymore" and then the manager came out, and then it got awkward but I'm sorry. No, I'm actually not sorry. They comped my sammie (which was nice considering I ate 1/16 of it) and we paid and left. 

Needless to say, I was underwhelmed. I will DEFINITELY give this place another chance as I'm sure there are tastier items on the menu, but the tuna soup was not ok. I literally felt grossed out the rest of the night. I have never had anything against mayo, but this was overload. 

So, Sizzlers, please tell me you've had better experiences at this place. I want to love it, and I will go again, but maybe after I cleanse my palate of the mayo overdose. That being said, Happy Thirsty Thursday, pour yo'self something nice this evening, and buckle your seatbelts for FRIDAY!!


Double side not: Saveur Mag just posted some tuna recipes that look delightful Note the non-soupy textures!!! 


You've already learned that I like the foods. Now I get to show you my food love. 

I made this dish a while back; it reminds me so much of Springtime, even though Houston has most recently been like "sauna time" or "I can't even decide what climate I want to emulate" time. 

That being said: I give you linguine con crema di basilico e parmiggiano reggiano. Say whaaaa? I just spoke Italian to you. #Nomcity.

oh yes.

oh yes.

If pasta is your "thang", then look no further. And here's how it's done folks:


-Some fiiiiine linguini. If you go outta the box, that's cool, but if you use something fresh (ahem Central Market has fresh hand-made pastas) then you'll notice a significant taste 'bump'. 

-2 Bunches 'so fresh and so cleanclean' Basil.

-1 Carton heavy whipping cream. (um yeah, you thought this was going to be 'skinny'? Get outta here)

- 2 or 3 cloves fresh garlic (See?! This recipe is vampire proof too. I'm always lookin' out for ya)

-1 Plastic box thingie (the smaller one) of Gran Padano cheese. You can sub fresh grated parmesan or reggiano but TRYYYYY not to use Kraft powdery stuff, k? 

PROCEDURE/SCIENTIFIC METHOD/THIS IS HOW WE DOOOO IT (to be sung to the melody of Montell Jordan's song, because duh). 

-Separate your cream into halves, and put half in a saucepan and start to simmer. NOT boil. You don't want it to clot or break, because then you're in trouble and I can't save you. 

-While the water for your pasta is getting hot, put your garlic, and basil leaves into the food processor. Add a drizzle of olive oil (a LIGHT drizzle, just enough to make a 'paste' of your garlic and basil). 

-Cook your pasta, I do it a little al dente style because it's mo' bettah. 

-Add the cream that was NOT in the pan to your food processor 'paste'. Let it blend and become smooth (operator).

-THEN. Add your basil/garlic/cream concoction to the simmering cream in the pan. Make sure you slowly incorporate it in, and here is where you can add your salt/fresh cracked pepper to taste. 

-Add a robust (love that word) handful of your cheese to the sauce, and stir stir stir. 

-Once the sauce is BARELY bubbling, you're good to go. (HINT: If your sauce become TOO thick, add a tablespoon at a time of your pasta water till you reach the perfect saucy consistency)

-Pour the sauce over whatever amount of pasta you choose to eat, sprinkle the remainder of the cheese on top, and VOILA. You can even be super fancy and add a basil leaf for garnish. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you cook, you must have music. (And probably a side glass of wine) Otherwise it tastes bad. It's science. SO head on over to Spotify and make a playlist. I'm a HUGE fan of listening to the Rat Pack and oldies while I cook. It works. Promise. Here's a link to my "Starred" list on Spotify. From there, you can browse around my other lists; #holla.

Actually, I lied. Check out THIS Starred list which looks #weaksauce right now but give me a week and your mind will be blown. #trustme

And now you know. If you make this recipe, let me know what you think!! And as always, feel free to leave your questions, comments, concerns.